How My Healthy WOE Increased Ecommerce Sales by 995% in 90 Days

A case study on how the Harpia Method helped delivered nearly a ten-fold sales increase for My Health WOE in just 90 days.
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Scaling their eCommerce beyond a loyal customer base without compromising quality, customer experience, and sustainability.


Architect and implement an omnichannel Ecommerce digital marketing journey with the Harpia Method


Turned their website into a high-converting machine, increased customer return rate through rewards program, email marketing and SMS.


Making Eating Healthy Easy, Enjoyable And Profitable

My Healthy WOE provides high-quality, transformational health foods for customers in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. It established an active online community of over 20,000 customers but needed to convert that loyalty into increased revenues and more repeat business.

The company also wanted to reach wider audience while maintaining its high customer service standards and delivering market-leading products at a competitive price point.

Within three months, Harpia met these objectives and help deliver a sales increase that was just short of 10X.

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The Foods You Love…And A Healthy Life

Founded in 2018 selling low-carb desserts (later snacks, drinks, supplements, and more) on Facebook, My Healthy WOE became the first online store in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean for people who enjoy low carbohydrate and sugar-free diets, but still want to eat their favorite treats.

The company’s products help with weight loss, improve energy levels, and play a role in preventing—or assisting those living with—diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Kimera Koffee combines premium beans with nootropics

You Are What You Eat—So Eat Healthy!

A balanced diet should be enjoyable. You shouldn’t feel like you’re missing out just because you want to be healthy. Thanks to My Healthy WOE, anyone in Puerto Rico or the Caribbean can keep eating the food they love without risking their health.

The company sells well-known brands like Nekstalla, PerfectKeto, and Good Dee’s, and the owners regularly share their healthy recipes and suggestions to inspire their customers.

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No Trade-off Between Expansion and Customer Experience

  1. My Healthy WOE has an excellent Facebook following and organic reach via referrals. But the company needed to boost customer numbers to expand the product range further and pass wholesale savings onto customers. This would create an even wider choice at a competitive price point while maintaining high customer service standards.
  2. My Healthy WOE is owned and managed by a small team. The owners must juggle an expanding marketing program while maintaining exceptional customer support. The team needed to focus on improving product offerings, developing new recipes, and maintaining a meaningful social media presence. But they also needed time to grow the business. There just didn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.
  3. Finding third-party support is tough. The founders and owners of My Healthy WOE needed an eCommerce marketing company that shared their passion and vision. We know how hard they worked to get their business to where it is today. We are here to help you too—enabling your business to grow in a sustainable, measured and customer-focused way.
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Deploying the Harpia Method For A Clear Marketing Strategy, Streamlined Operations, and Incredible Growth

My Healthy WOE has a unique offering, a strong brand, and a loyal customer base, but ir was struggling at a critical stage of its development. Fortunately, the founders heard of The Harpia Method and got in touch to learn more.

We explained that all eCommerce companies eventually have to scale beyond their organic reach. It can be a hard road to navigate alone. But they didn’t need to worry—Harpia had their back.

We revisited My Healthy WOE’s entire eCommerce strategy, redesigned their website for higher conversions, and automated their email marketing. We also added in some strategic SMS communications. Our first automated email delivered an incredible 12.6% conversion rate—the owners were delighted! But there was more to come… as you’ll soon see.

Here’s how the Harpia Method works:

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1. Strategy

Architect an Omni-Channel eCommerce Marketing Strategy

harpia customer value journey

2. Development

Implement an Exciting eCommerce Customer Journey

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3. Scale

Skyrocket Sales with Hyper-Targeted Advertising


Architect an Omni-Channel eCommerce Marketing Strategy

eCommerce marketing is a lot like baking a (healthy) cake. To get the perfect sponge, you must weigh the ingredients, add them in the right order, and apply the right temperature. Only once it’s cooled can you add the icing and take it to the table.

At Harpia, we know that—like baking a cake—building a winning eCommerce digital marketing strategy needs preparation, order, structure, and perfect timing. We achieve this through a two-day workshop—designed to analyze your business and create the perfect recipe for your eCommerce journey.

Day 1 — Analyze Your eCommerce Business

We never make assumptions about our client’s needs. We spent time with My Healthy WOE’s founders and got them to tell us the story of their evolution—the bad as well as the good. From that we were able to:

  • Define the customer avatar
  • Clarify company values
  • Distill the value statement

Define a customer avatar. Working together, we created a picture of My Healthy WOE’s perfect customer—their avatar. In this instance, we were also fortunate enough to speak to a customer who perfectly matched this avatar—let’s call them a ‘super-fan.’ We learned so much from the avatar and the super-fan about why they spend money with My Healthy WOE, and why they keep returning for more orders. We also gained an understanding of what needed to be changed.

Armed with all this information, we could assess whether the company’s website, social media, email campaigns, and ads were delivering relevant topics in a way that connected with customers.


Clarify company values. We had got to know their team pretty well by this point and talked very candidly about their business. But the time had come to ask some even more searching questions and drill down deep. Things like:

  • How does your product improve your customers’ lives?
  • What needs do your products address?
  • How are those needs met better by you than other companies?
  • What are your company’s guiding principles?

Distill the value statement. Now here’s the fun part! We took everything we’d learned and distilled it three sentences to create a new value statement. My Healthy WOE. Redefined. Explained. Understood. Focused. Ready for action

Our goal here is to discover what worked, what didn't, and shine a brighter light on the company's true vision. 

My Healthy WOE enables health-conscious people to regain control of their life without
sacrificing comfort, convenience, or taste.

Day 2 – Architect an eCommerce Growth Blueprint

Day two is always the day for some more serious planning and strategizing. Working alongside with their team, we prepared an eight-step eCommerce growth blueprint for My Healthy WOE.

Armed with our new Omni-Channel eCommerce marketing strategy document, we were:

  • Ready to accelerate the company’s growth
  • Primed to keep new and existing customers happy
  • Poised to encourage repeat business

This super-detailed, all-encompassing digital strategy document helped us and My Healthy WOE deal with each critical stage in the customer journey—offering targeted messaging for each point in the process.

The 8-Steps eCommerce Growth Blueprint:

We base our approach on human relationships. From the first time we meet someone to when we are friends, every conversation has a different background story, place, and message. Your customer-brand relationship shouldn’t be any different.

2. Development

Implement a Dynamic eCommerce Journey

After an intense couple of days, we were ready to execute the new strategy.

We’re not going to give all of that away here, but these are some of the main components:

  • Lead generation strategy that utilizes well-thought-out offers and pop-ups.
  • Strategic website redesign to communicate Your Healthy WOE’s value statement.
  • Initial automated email campaign to fully exploit Your Healthy WOE’s lead list and increase email-driven sales. These included welcome-back emails, hellos to new customers, and cart recovery reminders.
  • Eight content-rich emails per month to the customer list based on pre-agreed campaigns, strategy review, goas, and action plans with their team. Emails include a regular newsletter, educational content, recipes to try at home, and selected product promotions.
  • SMS Marketing campaigns also targeted opt-in customers with offers and incentives. We use Postscript for our SMS campaigns—the #1 eCommerce SMS service provider.

Here is how our 90-Days Timeline looked like:

3. Optimization and Scale

Skyrocket Sales with Optimized Website and Email Marketing

All our collective hard work, focus, and dedication paid off. Keeping in regular—almost daily—contact with their team meant we all stuck to the blueprint and implemented the agreed strategies.

Too often in eCommerce marketing, everyone starts with the best of intentions, and then they relapse back into their old ways.

But that’s not the Harpia way. We spend two days writing a detailed plan with our clients and fleshed out all the details to make sure we all bought into it. We all believed it, so we all committed to it and we all followed it.

  • We developed the assets needed to scale beyond organic reach.
  • We improved the scope of their product offering.
  • We strengthened customer support.
  • We leveraged a loyal customer base to increase sales.
  • We redesigned the website for higher conversions.
  • We implemented a loyalty program to increase repeat purchases and cement brand loyalty.

Here's a quick taste of their website transformation:

The Harpia Method successfully increased My Healthy Woe’s traffic, conversions, and sales. Despite intensive business growth, the company maintained its high levels of customer satisfaction, enhanced its brand loyalty, and continued to deliver exceptional products and a competitive price.  


Our Staggering Campaign Results

The implementation of the Harpia Method successfully increased My Healthy WOE’s online reach, engagement, influence, and SALES. With a well-oiled machine and an exciting customer value journey, the My Healthy WOE’s team could focus on improving their products, customer service, and making the world a better place – empowering people to embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Before working with us:


Average Order Value


Average Lifetime Value


Conversion Rate

90-days after working with us:


Increase in Leads


Conversion Rate


Carts Recovered


Return on Invest.


Increase in Website Leads


Conversion Rate


Cart Recovery Rate


Increase in Sales


Increase in Sales


Return on Investment

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Pedro and the Harpia team are true pioneers in the online marketing space. Their dedicated team has helped us build ourselves up to get ready to scale. We're stoked to continue working with them more in the future and have already put in lots of strategies for the next 6-12 months. The workshop is a MUST!

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Harpia is an ecommerce growth agency merging human relationship psychology with intuitive technology. The Harpia Method has helped ecommerce stores skyrocket sales with an effective customer journey, sales funnel and kick-ass digital marketing strategies.

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Become the hero of your own ecommerce brand’s success.

Contact us to discuss how the Harpia Method can help you increase sales, average orders, and retention on your ecommerce store. ​

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